At the end of all training activities (Courses, Master, Specialist Courses, Individual Courses), ANPA provides a path of stage (training on the job) in Italy and abroad that is a very important project "School-Hotel", because supplementary and experimental phase of the course played.
The internship allows students graduates a fast approach to the world of work, with subsequent opportunities for employability.
ANPA also allows you to customize the Stage on the student profile, identifying the hosting companies based on specific attitudes, behavioral characteristics, needs and expectations of the same.
Similarly ANPA, through its database of students trained, is able to ensure, to the partner companies requesting resources in internships, professional profiles meet the specific needs of the same.
The percentage of students ANPA, which through the course of internships have been awarded the concrete job opportunities, is currently estimated at around 65-70%.
The internship duration will range from a minimum of 1 to a maximum of 6 months at the discretion of the host and can be carried out both within companies in the area to carry out his course, both located on national territory (in this case the hosting company will offer food and lodging to the student).
The stage organized by ANPA is absolutely relevant to the individual training courses carried out by the students and, above all, aimed at identifying companies and companies in possession of the requirements of excellence that can offer trainees the opportunity to implement and refine the expertise already acquired in the first phase of the training.
If the student trainee was in possession of a good language skills (English or Spanish), ANPA will also propose foreign destinations (always to the availability of the hosting companies at the time of the request for hospitality internship).
The stage is, in Italy, currently regulated by art. 18, paragraph 1, letter d) of the Law and Article 196/197. 11 of Decree Law August 13, 2011. The stage does not constitute employment and is only open to persons in possession of the requirements of the Transport Regulations (unemployed people, including those registered on the mobility lists). Students in possession of an employment contract (fixed-term, part-time, permanent) do not have access to the stage.
The internship training and internships are managed by ANPA in agreement with the company InStage by Boscolo srl and Sportello Stage.
For the activation of each internship, each student will be required to pay the sum of € 150,00 + VAT 22% as insurance against risks and accidents, to be paid to the secretary internship ANPA exclusively upon verification by part of it, of the requirements of the participant at the internship, as required by that legislation. This fee covers the training period from 1 to 6 months exclusively within a single structure. If the student intends to customize their internship total maximum six months alternating it on more than one structure, it will be required to pay the insurance fee of € 150,00 + VAT 22% for each internship period.